No matter the job, Done Right Electrical will ensure that your electrical is Done Right.
Done Right Electrical LLC is committed to quality workmanship, compliance with all applicable National, State, and Local Electrical Codes, and adherence to all industry standard good practices.
Done Right is not just a name, it's a philosophy. Incorrect wiring can be dangerous. Something as simple as a loose connection can cause flickering or dim lights and possible damage to your voltage sensitive appliances and electronics. Even worse, poor connections produce heat which can lead to a fire and a loose connection on a ground wire can create a potential shock hazard. Done Right Electrical's attention to detail and quality workmanship assures that these sorts of problems won't occur.
The importance of Electrical Codes cannot be overstated. These codes are developed to provide consistent electrical practices that keep your home or business safe. The state of Virginia is currently using the 2017 National Electrical Code as their standard. Additionally, Done Right Electrical studies the latest National Electrical Codes (2023) and will apply them if appropriate.
Some of Our Services
- Major and minor electrical repairs
- New indoor/outdoor lighting design and installation
- Breaker panel upgrade and replacement
- Standby generator and transfer switch installation
- Troubleshooting electrical malfunctions
- See Our Services page for a detailed listing.